May 24 - 26, 2024 Hyatt Regency Minneapolis
Don't miss the Minneapolis Anime and Gaming Event in November!

An epic three-day celebration of anime, video games, and music in Minneapolis.

May 24 - 26, 2024

How far?

So I had this idea that I wanted to submit, but I'm wondering how far we can go with an event idea before it's inappropriate.
valerie @valerie commented on How far?
Apr 04, 11 at 3:24pm
Well, that's a pretty vague question. How about you email us directly <a href="">using our contact form</a> with your specific idea. Then we'll be able to help answer your question!
Apr 09, 11 at 7:09pm
Well I would like to know other peoples opinion on it. It seems as though the event shouldn't be too risque as long as it's after dark, so here it is. I would like to do something like The Bordello does with Devil's Playground in California and hold an anime burlesque event. If you don't know what burlesque is, it's a type of striptease that if more comical than sexy. No inappropriate body parts are shown (i.e. the girls strip down to underwear and pasties). Now there are videos on YouTube of The Bordello doing this kind of thing with comic book characters, video game characters, and even Star Wars. It's funny, yet sexy all at the same time and I would like to do this with anime characters. We would talk with Lili's Burlesque Revue, a local burlesque company here in Minneapolis about helping us and we would be taking suggestions up to a month before AniMinneapolis for the most popular votes. Alright there's my pitch. Thoughts?
Apr 09, 11 at 9:56pm
Though not inappropriate... I for one says no to this idea. Yaoi con has something similar to this and though it's great, as a start up con I think we shouldn't jump into something crazy yet. I LOVE the idea! I do but I think we should postpone that idea till next year con so we know who our audience consist of. Would hate it if a lot of kids shows up rather than adults/teens. burlesque is intentionally for adult ;)
Apr 10, 11 at 1:08am
xD Yea that's what I was thinking too. See what I pitched was doing to 18+ rooms like at Detour, but I was concerned about the whole age group. Although it is looking like it might be within that 18 - 24 range. Guess we'll have to see huh? ^.^;
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