May 24 - 26, 2024 Hyatt Regency Minneapolis
Don't miss the Minneapolis Anime and Gaming Event in November!

An epic three-day celebration of anime, video games, and music in Minneapolis.

May 24 - 26, 2024

Persona Stuff

Jun 10, 13 at 10:13am
interesting, Very interesting.
Jun 13, 13 at 10:30am
Well if people be wearing their Persona cosplays on Saturday morning for the panel, count me in. I can wear Chie on Saturday moring. =w= I'm all good with that. Yo Yosuke, if you want more panelists, I can volunteer to help out. But I gotta say, I never been a panelist before nor have I ever hosted a panel. I don't mind not doing anything during the panel, or whatever. =w= If not, it's all good too. This Chie will be at the panel anyways! :)
Jun 14, 13 at 11:00pm
Narukami and I would love to have you helping us, Chie-chan. If you want to meet us at the panel room during set-up 30 before it starts we will fill you in on the details.
Jun 14, 13 at 11:32pm
We'd be more than delighted to have you help us, Satonaka. You'd be a great help.
Jun 15, 13 at 5:00pm
:) Hahaha, awesome. I'd be more than happy to help you in any way I can (hopefully I didn't invite myself in, but seriously, don't need to feel like you have to say yes to me. If you would like extra help, I'll totally be there. :) Hahaha) So last chance to back out before you get a very loud Chie as a panelist. 8D;;
Jun 15, 13 at 5:27pm
If you need more help, I am willing to pitch in as well, though I too don't have any experience with panels.
Jun 15, 13 at 5:30pm
Like we would deny a member of the Investigation Team! 'Sides, we figured a little increase in volume was the least we'd get having you on the panel, Chie-chan. I'm just joking, we really would be happy to have you and any other members of the team who'll be around. Been long enough, we could put together a bit of a reunion.
Jun 15, 13 at 5:43pm
You think another Yosuke could join the panel and help out with anything?
Jun 15, 13 at 6:37pm
With Chie-chan's help I do think we've got most of the bases covered. Of course we still do need some help with publicity just before it starts to get people in the seats. Other than that we really need actively participating guys and gals at the panel more than in it. This is going to be really interactive and without an energetic audience it won't be nearly as incredible. Though trust me, this is still going to be amazing either way. I mean, I made it...
Jun 15, 13 at 8:46pm
Me and my uncle Dojima-san would be more then willing to be a part of the panel with you guys.. I have very high expectations for it. I also hope to see some of you at the Persona 4 arena game room. I'll warn you, i'm pretty good with Nao-chan
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