May 24 - 26, 2024 Hyatt Regency Minneapolis
Don't miss the Minneapolis Anime and Gaming Event in November!

An epic three-day celebration of anime, video games, and music in Minneapolis.

May 24 - 26, 2024

2012 - Meet n Greet n Troll (find people to hang out with)

Hiya!!! This will be my second Con My first was Anime Detour Really excited to go XD
Hello! So, this will be my 2nd ever con. My first was Geek Kon. I will be cosplaying, but not as a particular character, it's more of a free style affair. Sort of a nekomimi/maid/lolita kinda thing ^_^ Also, none of my friends will be able to make it to the con with me! D= So I won't know anyone there! I was hoping maybe I could meet some people here ahead of time that would be interested in hanging out a little at the con! ^_^ So yah send me a message and stuff! My Facebook profile is: Hope to hear from you soon! X3
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An convention.