

almost 2 years ago
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Jun 20, 11 at 1:53pm
Lolita! I'm planning on dressing in lolita if my order comes in by that time. I'm probably gonna dress up as a Sweet Lolita instead of the other variations though. I just hope people don't see me as a cosplay lolita or an *gasp* ita. D: I'd love to see another lolita, I actually haven't met one in real life yet. :)
I'd love to cosplay as a Naruto character. (*coughDeidaraor~Hidan~cough* But I don't know where to buy a costume and I can't sew one in a short amount of time. :( But I'mma gonna try and find somewhere to buy cosplays online, and hopefully I'll be able to cosplay as one of the Akatsuki or Hinata...