

65 year old Male
Available, Straight
over 9 years ago
Verndale, MN
About Me: I've been an otaku for a looooooong time now, mostly anime, some manga, a lot of interest in Japanese culture in general. I've only been to one Con before and I LOVED it, I want to cosplay this time! I live in a small town up north, not a lot of otaku-geek outlets up here, so... Anyway, I look forward to making new friends at AniMinni! :D

Some favorite anime include Full Metal Panic, Please Teacher, K-On!, Ghost in the Shell, Elfin Lied, Mahoromatic, Someday's Dreamers, Gantz, Mahorabo, My-HiMe,Noir, Soul Eater... Too many to count or even remember them all!

I'm also into J-Pop; AKB48, Morning Musume, Berryz Kobo and like that. It's just fun music!