Spin The Faygo And Pocky Game

So I wanted to gather a group of homestucks to play spin the faygo and the pocky game and i was wanting to know if anybody would show up to play?
I would love to show up, sometihng i have always wanted to do! Im a God Tier JAde HArley and Gamzee Cosplayer! i think this would be alot of fun! Contact me on Tumblr, Instagram or even Snapchat, the user name for them is all: Nexxdeep Hope this works ^-^
I'd be hecka down for a meetup! I'll be going as Porrim on Saturday and my friend's going as Feferi the whole weekend. Keep on posting here, or contact me at karynagriffin13.tumblr.com if you need help setting up.
Ok so I'd like anything to do with HS seeing as there isn't anything happening on the schedule... but that sounds fun!
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