If you have no clue and this is your 1st con, please refer to AnimeCons's How to plan for an anime convection at the following URL: http://animecons.com/articles/article.shtml/816/How-To_Guide_for_Planning_to_Attend_a_Convention
But for me these are the things I'm going to be bringing.
1. spare clothing.
2. a mini 911 and girl kit.
3. water
4. communication tools (cell phone)
5. identification cards
6. emergency money <- different from spending money
7. a camera and a great attitude :)
How about you folks?
p.s. I would bring in snacks too if you don't plan on dining expensive hotel food :)
My sisters and I probably bring our own snacks for dinner since it seems we'll be dropped off mostly and there is no really close resturatans in sight.
I will bring a camera (obviously!) used for private photoshoots and taking every single cosplayer and pretty look people (hahaha, let's just see if I can gather all of my courage to ask). I'll bring cosplays, and extra cosplays just in case something happens to my planned cosplays. Definitely thread and needle. :) A couple of water bottles. Cell phone. Identification cards. Extra money (doesn't hurt). My mp3 player.
What I am definitely NOT bringing is defintiely expensive stuff like my game systems. :/ One may never know what would happen.
1. PJs. 2. Band-Aids (I tend to get a lot of papercuts) 3. Camera. 4. Cell Phone. 5. DS & WalkMan. 6. Cosplays (of course) 7. Water Bottles & Granola bars. 8. IDs. 9. Extra set of clothes. That's my list so far. I would bring my PS2, but I don't want to go through the hassle and worry of what might happen to it. :S
1.) Hardstyle Shoes and Clothes
2.) Mp3 + Speakers
3.) Bottles of Water!
4.) Camera
5.) Pokemon Black Edition DSi
6.) I.D. Cards
8.) Cell phone to get numbers from new friends and hang out and stuff o;
9.) Camera for a group Animinneapolis Music Video and to post on facebook with pictures :d
10.) Backpack For carrying all this stuff xD
1. Extra clothes
2. MP3 just incase my friends annoy me too much. :U
3. Phone
4. School ID
5. MAN PURSE! ( No jk but a bag of some sort.)
6. An extra copy of my AMV that I haven't /yet/ submitted. ( Not done yet... )
7. Polish Flag
8. Camera
9. Cosplays
10. My Miku Hatsune Project Diva 1 & 2
11. PSP
o1) Moneeey~
o2) Cosplay stuff
o3) Small purse-bag-thing
o4) Gameboy Color ((Pikachu special edition of pokemon! ))
o5) Friends c: (I think one's being Sasuke, the other will be Tifa)
o6) contacts
o7) Mini sketchbook and some pencils
o8) CAFFEINE ๏ω๏