Cosplay marriage?!

Jun 07, 11 at 10:37pm
Hey guys, I was wondering if we could manage to get a Cosplay Marriage panel going? :o For all of you Detour-goers, you'll know what I'm talking about, but for those who don't, Cosplay Marriage is basically where you get married. To a fellow cosplayer! Pretty snazzy, huh. Now's your chance to get married to that really cute Belphegor eating the ramen, or maybe that shy little Shinobu in the corner, or maybe even Kamina, if you're feeling a little submissive. So what do you guys say? Eh? Would anyone be interested in going to that? :o
Jun 08, 11 at 1:41am
It certainly sounds fun haha.
lol, wut?
Sure but i dont know anyone who can put up with a rrogant jackass like Mugen xD (Samurai Champloo)
Jun 23, 11 at 7:09pm
ahhh Mugen, let's see, who to put him with... disreguarding age i'd say Kagome could deal with him hehe
are you going to do this outside the con or something? And are your still planning too? = ]
Jul 27, 11 at 6:00pm
I ran the Cosplay Marriage in 2010. I was absent for 2011 but I am willing to run this for AniMinneapolis as well. :) I don't know if my assistant will be with though so I have to ask her. If she is unable to come next year, I will probably find someone else. Let me know if you are up for being my assistant/Co-Panelist for the panel.
Apr 16, 12 at 11:29am
If anyone is arranging this for 2012 I'd definitely be happy to participate. Boa Hancock is preferred since I will be Luffy
Apr 22, 12 at 10:18am
I am just going to clear up some potential questions that may be coming my way if anyone is confused on what Anime Marriage is: 1. It's just another random way to make friends 2. You do not have to spend the entire day with the person(s)/cosplayer(s) you are married to 3. It's completely for fun and will take place probably Friday or Saturday
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