Pokemon Cosplayers?

Who is going to be a Pokemon cosplayer? Is everyone ready for photo-shoot? Who are you going to be?
I am! I'm cosplaying as pikachu! I will definitely be at the photo shoot! Who are you going as?
if I had the time ad money I would have gotten together my nidoqueen~. Have fun tho!
My friends and I are actually hosting a Pokemon panel on Friday~ We'll have...a surprise >W> I'm going to be a female team plasma grunt, one of my friends will be male Gardevoir, and my other guy friend will be Oshawott~ We also have a pikachu/Team Aqua grunt.
I will be going as a team rocket grunt :D
I'll see if i can join in the fun with a Team Rocket Grunt too.
My friend will be white and I'll be link or gakupo depending on the day but I will have a Pokemon plushie
you better watch our red is coming with his pikachu
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