Trading stuff?

Um... I got a few stuff I wanna trade in case anyone's interested. Games: Pokemon firered Super Mario 3D land Mangas Black butler 1-5 Wolfs rain 1 Otomen 1 Naruto 27. Game mats: yu gi oh game mat DVD: Pokemon orange island DVD set 2 in four movies of Pokemon the moviesnare Pokemon heroes the movie, Pokemon 4ever, Pokemon destiny deoxys, and Pokemon jirachi the wishmaker Pokemon movie Arceus and the jewel of life Escaflowne volume 2 and 3
There's gonna be a swap meet at the con on Saturday at 9:00am, so you can bring your stuff and try to trade anything there if you want.
really!!! hmmm ill have to bring some stuff if there a big trade event.
Not sure how "big" it's gonna be, but you can help by spreading the word and telling other people to bring stuff, haha. (I'll be bringing a good amount of stuff myself)
I might add another DS game. I already packed my stuff.
lol true true i got 4 ppl coming with me im sure thay Might have something lol will see..
He he cool alucard!
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